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Paul (Me)

Rite we'll ahve naw really got much tae say aboot masel really. Ahm 17 and ah work in Sports Connection up the toon. Ah left skool in eh summer, thank fuck, so ahm work there full time noo. Ah stay in Baillieston, known as The Vulij. Its awrite there, naw much tae dae bit so yive got tae go tae the toon fur sumfin tae dae. Ahm single the noo bit a fancy a lassie called Nicola who lives aw eh way oot in Port Glesga. Big shout oot tae yi darlin!! Well ats aw a really got tae say boot masel. Catch yeez!


Well wit cin ah say aboot wee Charlene apart fae shes a bit eh a maddie. When shes naw up in eh highlands stayin wae her ma (thats Elgin tae every other cunt) shes stayin wae her da in Govan. Yi cin usually see this lassie stoatin aboot Govan since she dissane go tae skool since she got papped oot! Shes wan eh the bran newest lassies aboot. Shes the oldest wan oot eh aw her pals anaw, bit wan hing yi cin deffo say is that she naw the brainiest wan. Nae offense pal! As far as her love life goes, Charlenes aw loved up in a boy called David who stays in Borrheed. So if yir readin this big guy, batter in!!