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Orite Troopz!!

Orite Troopz!! Welcome tae Me (Paul) and ma wee muckkas (Charlenes) new site. Ah wiz pure bored eh seein hunners eh pure shitey sites so ah thot ahd gee wan a wee shot masel. Ah huvnae really got a clue wit tae dae bit ahll try ma best. Ahve nae idea wit else tae say so ahm gonnae jist leave yeez aw tae huv a wee swatch aboot. N member tae sign eh guestbook. Catch yeez aw efter!!
Latest News

Ma wee muckka Charlenes away back up tae eh cold highlands tae stay wae her ma eh noo, its naw really eh highlands. It sumwhwre near Elgin or sumfin bit ats wit ah call it nehow. She shid be back doon soon tho coz its her birthday in march so ne of you boys wnt tae meet up wae eh whole 5 feet eh her then jist geez a shout and ahll try ma best tae get yeez sorted awrite!!

Rite we're both big huns so nae comments boot eh tic awrite!!

Fone Numbas

Paul (me) 07980468286

Charlene 07901577291

Talk Tae Us

Rite if ne of yeez oot there want a wee chat or nefin then yi cin get in touch wae masel or Charlene oan yahoo. If yir a boy wantin a date wae Charlene then jist cum tae me and ahll sort it oot and if yir a nice lassie wantin a date wae me......then jist still cum tae me!

Me: uvf_proud_tae_be_a_hun_ftp

Charlene: berghaus_burd_charlene

Simply The Best