Ma Palz
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Rite en, heres sum pics eh ma palz. They're aw sound as fuck. If yir wantin a date wae ne of them then geez a shout!!!

-Doc Fae The YBV-

Docs wan eh ma best palz. He stays in Baillieston, same as me. He's got his own website specially fur eh YBV. If yi want the address fur it then geez a shout!

-Ma Wee Hunny Nicola Fae Eh Port-
This is wee Nicola who stays in Port Glesga. Shes a sound as yi like and a pure buzz tae talk tae oan eh fone, ahve had many a late nite wae iss lassie ;) !
-Ma Wee Darlin Claire Fae Linwood-
Claire must be wan eh the soundest lassies yi cin talk tae n shes naw bad lookin either. Ah used tae go oot wae eh lassie bit that wiz a wee while ago. Noo shes wan eh ma bestest palz!
As yi cin probabaly tell fae the photo, this boy's wan eh the bigest posers yi'll eva meet. He hinks hes a bit eh stuff! Apart fae that hes sound as yi like and hus been known tae have pulled a few nice burds in his time, the first of many he hopes!
This is mad Nicole. She stays doon Baillieston anaw. This lassies sum buzz. If yi saw her in skool she'd usually be standin ootside her classes coz she wiz always gettin papped oot.
-Wullie G-
Ah don't really know wit tae say aboot this boy apart fae he's wan eh the funniest cunts ah know. If he's naw sittin rippin the pish oota sumone yi'll usually find him muckin aroond oan his pooter, top guy!
-Lesley W-
Here's another wan who lives doon Baillieston. Ah never really spoke tae her much in skool but noo ah speak tae her oan yahoo aw eh time, shes sound as!
Wit cin ah say aboot this boy? Fuck knows where this pic wiz takin. Stephs the wan that looks like a builder. Naebidy's got a bad word tae say aboot this boy, hes sound as yi like. Ats how he got personality of the year at ma skool last year! Oan yirsel wee man!!
This wee lassie stays up Parkhouse, shes a bit eh a gabber. Yi usually cannae get her tae shut up wen yir talkin tae her oan yahoo. She works fur a solicitors up in Bath Street!! oOoOoOoO!!! Sound tae talk tae, if yir wantin a life long pal! :P
This is ma wee pal Anne who stays oot in Greenock. Shes osund as yi like bit sumtimes she goes away in wee huffs, yive been warned troopz!!
This is wan eh ma good muckkas Reidy fae Garrowhill. Hes pure bran new and quite a hing wae aw the laddies! Stick in there cheef!! :D
This is mad Michelle, or Betty as she gets called (ah dunno why!). She's wan eh ma fellow trooperz up in Sports Connection where ah work. This lassies sum buzz. Wen shes naw workin away hard yi'll find her sumwhere in the shop cuttin shapes tae witever kinda music is oan in the shop! Top burd!!!
Another lassie fae eh Port. Shes sound anoll. Dunno wit shes meant tae be dain in this foto. Looks like she jist oot eh her bed :P!!
Image title would go here.
These are a few of my favorite photographs from my different travels. Feel free to browse them as you like. If you want one click your right mouse button and choose "Save As" from the menu.